The pages that follow contain reproductions of forty new color pencil sketches. In preparation for his recent ninety-sixth birthday, Carl began drawing in August of 1996 and finished a series of over seventy pencil sketches in March of 1997. His goal was to create a body of work which would add texture, further dimension, and downright fun to his familiar themes: Uncle Scrooge's measureless money bin, the many worldwide adventures of Donald Duck and Uncle Scrooge, and the funny things that happen in Duckburg.
To anyone secretly discovering this volume without knowing quite what it is (are
you sure you're allowed to be looking at this at all?), Carl Barks is a "Living
Legend." Mr. Barks always says that Walt Disney himself, and the Walt Disney
Studios over the years, created the "stage" on which he could showcase his
talents and his memorable characters for all the world to see and enjoy. Carl
has given life to the Disney Ducks, giving them their definitive personalities
and a place for those personalities to develop and thrive: Duckburg! And because
of this, Carl Barks has been proclaimed a "Living Legend" by the Walt Disney Company.
The forty plates in the work that follows attest to his greatness, his liveliness, and his pure genius.