The Phantom Joker [Western's version]

Barks's title for this story was "High Wire Heroes." It was originally scripted as a 16-page story, but cut down to 15 pages as published by combining and eliminating a page's worth of panels.

Panel 4 of page 2 in the published version contains the dialogue Barks wrote for two panels; the panel 5 was to have been a full page wide.
The dialogue in the last two panels on page 5 of Barks's script was given to Donald in what is now the panel 2 of page 5 in the published version, except that the lines, "I don't like it! There aren't enough people now working to save dear old Duckburg!" have been compressed into "I mustn't let this happen to them."
Two panels were eliminated from page 12 of Barks's script; they would have come between the panels 5 and 6 on the page 11 of the published version. They show Donald snapping the wire on which Huey is walking. A thought balloon was added to the fifth panel, so that Huey thinks, "I'm so nervous I'm about t-to..."
Two panels were eliminated from page 14 of Barks's script; they would have come between the panels 4 and 5 on page 13 of the published version. They show the pulley pin shearing and Donald's cable car dropping. A thought balloon ("And the pulley bin is shearing") was added to panel 4.

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